For many of us, yoga conjures up images of pretzel-like poses and impossible contortions.
However, the benefits of yoga are undeniable. From improved flexibility to better sleep and reduced stress, there are many reasons to try yoga.
But for those new to yoga, the question remains – how often should you do ashtanga yoga?
Key Takeaways
- Ashtanga yoga is a type of yoga that is based on a specific sequence of poses and is traditionally practiced six days per week.
- Students must practice regularly and consistently to progress through the different sequences of Ashtanga yoga.
- The recommended frequency for practicing Ashtanga yoga is three to five times per week.
- However, some students may need to practice more frequently to see results.
- It is important to listen to your body and do what feels right for you.

Here’s The Answer To How Often Should You Do Ashtanga Yoga
Your practice frequency will depend on several factors, including your goals, your schedule, and your level of experience.
You might wish to start with two or three classes per week if you are new to Ashtanga yoga. You’ll get a feel for the exercise and increase your strength and endurance as a result.
As you become more comfortable with the poses’ flow, you can increase the frequency of your practice.
If you have been practicing Ashtanga yoga for a while, you may need to practice more frequently to maintain your progress. You may also find that you need less time on the mat to feel satisfied as your practice deepens.
Ashtanga Yoga Is A Physically Demanding Form Of Yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a physically demanding form of yoga. Still, it’s also one of the best ways to get in shape and stay healthy.
Ashtanga yoga is so physically demanding because it requires you to move your body through a series of postures (known as asanas) with little rest between them.
This means that you’ll be working out for 15 minutes or longer at a time. Due to the intensity level required for this type of workout and its focus on strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility over time, it can be difficult at first.
It Is Recommended That You Do Ashtanga Yoga Three To Five Times Per Week
Ashtanga yoga is a physical practice that requires strength, flexibility, and balance. It’s not recommended you push yourself too hard in your practice.
Listen to your body and rest when you need to. You can do Ashtanga yoga at home, but classes help you learn the poses.
You Should Take One Or Two Days Off Per Week To Allow Your Body To Recover
In order to give their bodies time to recover from the intense physical activity they engaged in during class, those who practice this kind of yoga typically take one or two days off each week.
This is especially true if they are new students starting with less experience than others who have been doing Ashtanga for years (or decades).
However, some do not feel sore and can continue practicing daily without issues. However, even these people still need some time off occasionally.
Start With One Or Two Classes Per Week And Gradually Increase Your Practice
If you’re new to Ashtanga yoga, it’s best to start slowly. Start with one or two weekly classes (for example) and gradually increase your practice.
This approach will help avoid injury and allow the body to adjust gradually.
If you are new to ashtanga yoga, seek the guidance of a qualified teacher who can help you build up your practice safely and effectively over time.
Seek The Guidance Of A Qualified Teacher If Possible
The guidance of a qualified teacher can be invaluable for any Ashtanga yoga practitioner.
A good teacher will help you identify any areas of your practice that may require extra attention or modification, as well as help you maintain good form throughout the practice.
Teachers can also offer insight into how to breathe and meditate more effectively, two key components of Ashtanga yoga.
If you’re just starting with this type of practice, seek different guidance—like a book or an online course—to teach yourself the basics before approaching a studio and asking if they offer classes (which they most likely do).
What Are The Different Poses In Ashtanga Yoga?

You may have noticed many different poses and styles of yoga. At its core, Ashtanga is a series of standing poses, seated poses, backbends, and forward bends.
The standing poses are probably the most recognizable part of the practice. These include:
- Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Extended Hands-to-Big-Toe Pose)
- Prasarita Padottanasana (Standing Forward Bend Pose)
- Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose)
- Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
The seated poses involve sitting on your knees and then folding forward into a forward bend pose while pulling your arms overhead to touch your hands together at the top of your head.
What Are The Benefits Of Ashtanga Yoga?
Ashtanga yoga is a physical practice that can help you build strength, flexibility, and endurance.
It’s a fantastic method to reduce stress and sharpen your mind. You might feel more rooted and in-body balanced as a result.
Find a way to incorporate Ashtanga Yoga into your life if you want to benefit from it the most.
The good news is that no matter where you live or what type of life you lead, you will always have some spare time to practice.
Whether it’s at home in front of your TV set or on your lunch break at work – there are countless opportunities available for everyone!
Remember not to overdo things and listen carefully when your body says something needs changing. These little adjustments have big impacts on achieving long-term results.
Frequently Asked Questions
I’m new to Ashtanga yoga, how often should I practice?
The best advice is to start a couple of times a week and adjust as needed.
I’ve been practicing Ashtanga yoga for a while, but how often should I still be doing it?
You should still practice Ashtanga yoga regularly, but you can adjust the frequency based on your needs.
Is taking breaks from Ashtanga yoga okay, or should I be practicing every day, every day?
Even while it’s acceptable to occasionally take a vacation from Ashtanga yoga, you should always aim for consistency.
I’m feeling good after taking up Ashtanga yoga, how often can I do it without overdoing it?
You should be able to do Ashtanga yoga at a higher intensity twice a week without overdoing it.
My name is Mugen Seki, and I’m a painter and yoga enthusiast who is passionate about bringing together art and exercise in ways that help people connect with their inner selves. When I’m not painting, I’m practicing yoga. And when I’m not doing either of those things, I’m usually thinking about them.
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