How Does Focused Attention Help In Meditation (Find Out Now)

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: March 3, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Mindfulness meditation is a form of mindfulness widely practiced in the western world. Meditation has many benefits, one of which is improved focus. 

When we meditate, we train our attention to be more present and focused on the present moment. This can have several benefits in our daily lives, including improved productivity, decreased stress levels, and better mental clarity.

So how does focused attention help in meditation? Read on to find out.

Key Takeaways

  • Focused attention helps in meditation by keeping the mind from wandering and improving concentration.
  • It allows you to focus on a single object, thought, or activity, which can help to quiet the mind.
  • When the mind is focused, it can better let go of distractions and stressful thoughts.
  • Focusing attention can also help to increase awareness of the present moment.
  • Regular practice of focused attention meditation can lead to improved mental well-being and decreased stress levels.
a woman meditating in a black top
How Does Focused Attention Help In Meditation

Here’s The Answer To How Does Focused Attention Help In Meditation

In focused attention meditation, beginners focus on a particular object, such as their breath, a mantra, or a particular Posture in yoga. Experienced meditators can extend their focus to include other objects as well.

Focused attention meditation has been shown to improve working memory and conflict-resolution skills. It has also been shown to increase connectivity in the cingulate cortex, which is responsible for self-awareness and compassion.

Both novice and seasoned meditators can benefit from this kind of meditation. However, the type of meditation that is best for you may depend on your goals and preferences. 

Suppose you want to improve your cognitive abilities, both convergent thinking and divergent thinking skills. In that case, open monitoring meditation may be best for you. 

However, focused attention meditation may be a better option if you are looking for more specific benefits, such as increased working memory or conflict resolution skills.

Focused Attention Meditation Involves Focusing On A Single Point Of Reference, Such As The Breath

a woman meditating in front of water
Focused Attention Meditation Involves Focusing On A Single Point Of Reference, Such As The Breath

Focused attention meditation involves focusing on a single reference point, such as the breath. While it’s true that you can use any other object as your focus, the breath is a great choice because:

  • It’s always with you, even when you are sleeping. You do not have to take it with you or bring it into your meditation space.
  • It is constant and reliable; it will never leave us (unless we have some kind of lung disease).
  • It is stable; it does not change like external noises, or random thoughts might do when trying to meditate on them as a focal point for attentional practice.

The Aim Is To Maintain Your Attention On The Chosen Object Of Focus

Focused attention meditation seeks to keep your attention on the selected item of focus while also training you to recognize when your mind has strayed and to gently bring it back.

This practice can be done with any object or sensation you feel comfortable focusing on. You could choose a candle flame or a part of your body, such as the breath entering and leaving the nostrils.

Your ability to establish yourself on a reliable foundation is crucial—if there’s nothing there for your mind to grab onto, then there will be no point in trying.

Over Time, With Regular Practice, You Will Be Able To Train Your Attention Span

a woman meditating on a beach
Over Time, With Regular Practice, You Will Be Able To Train Your Attention Span

You can train your attention span. Developing focused attention is a skill that can be learned and takes time. Still, with regular practice, you will become better able to focus on whatever task you choose.

  • This means you can learn how to focus on anything from your breath to the sounds around you or even something as mundane as watching someone paint their nails. At the same time, they talk about themselves in the third person.
  • It’s not a quick fix: developing focused attention is not like taking an Adderall pill; it requires regular practice before it becomes second nature for you.
  • The more often you meditate, the easier it will become for your brain to enter into a deep state of calm and relaxed focus during meditation sessions or any other time in life when things get stressful (for example).

But this process does require patience and dedication; it won’t happen overnight.

Focused Attention Meditation Can Help Improve Symptoms Of Conditions Like ADHD, Anxiety, And Depression

The practice of focused attention meditation can help you focus on a single point of reference, such as your breath.

Focused attention meditation is based on the principle that if you have strong enough concentration, you can improve your concentration and control over your mind.

Several studies have shown that focused attention meditation can help reduce symptoms like ADHD, anxiety, and depression.

Studies show that this form has successfully treated these conditions in patients who underwent cognitive behavioral therapy for these issues.

Focused Attention Meditation May Help Reduce Stress

a woman meditating in a white top
Focused Attention Meditation May Help Reduce Stress

Research suggests focused attention meditation can help reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and boost immunity.

A meta-analysis of research on the effects of mindfulness (a type of focused attention) found that it had an overall positive effect on well-being.

Researchers also found that focused attention meditation was beneficial when used as an intervention for anxiety, depression, pain management, and other mental disorders.

For example, one study showed that using a one-hour daily mindfulness practice reduced symptoms in people with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Focused Attention Helps To Develop Concentration And Awareness

In the context of meditation, focused attention is a very important tool. It helps to develop concentration, awareness, and mindfulness. Focusing on the breath also helps develop serenity, tranquility, and more.

  • Focused attention is essential to formal meditation practices like mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) or mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT).
  • When you focus on the breath during these practices, you are training your mind to be less reactive to thoughts and feelings that arise in your mind while being mindful.

By focusing on something specific — such as breathing — during meditation practice, you can achieve a calm state where you can observe thoughts as they come into consciousness without getting caught up in them or reacting negatively.

Tips For Developing Focused Attention

a woman meditating in a class
Tips For Developing Focused Attention
  • Breath
  • A single sound
  • A single object
  • A single thought or idea
  • Sensation (i.e., the feeling of your feet on the ground)

How Focused Attention Brings About A State Of Mental Calmness And Clarity?

Focused attention concentrates on a single object or activity for an extended period. It is also called concentration meditation, and it helps to develop concentration and awareness.

The practice involves focusing your attention on an object, such as your breath, body sensations, or mental image (mental visualization). The objective is to maintain an undistracted mental focus on one issue.

In essence, focused attention meditation is about training the mind to stay with what you are doing now—rather than moving away from it toward other thoughts or feelings emerging in our consciousness.

By practicing this regularly, we can stay present with whatever arises rather than being caught up in stories about ourselves and others around us (or even worse – judging ourselves based upon these stories).

This gives rise to greater emotional resilience because we can weather storms without getting swept away by them.


Focused attention is key to successful meditation. Concentrating on a single object, such as your breath, can train your mind to become more focused and calm. An improvement in both physical and mental health may result from this.

If you’re new to meditation, it may take some time to develop the ability to focus your attention. But with practice, you’ll likely find it easier to quiet your mind and achieve a deeper level of relaxation.

Want to learn more about how meditation can improve your health? Check out these other articles on our website. And be sure to follow us on social media for updates on all the latest research.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use Focused Attention to improve my grades in school?

A study in the journal Concentration, Perception, and Psychophysics suggests that focused attention meditation may raise student grades. The research found that children who practice focused attention meditation have better concentration levels and are less likely to get distracted. While the benefits of this type of meditation aren’t specific to academic tasks – they’re also beneficial for overall focus and well-being.

Can Focusing Your Mind Help To Improve Your Meditation Skills?

Yes – focusing your attention can help you to develop better meditation skills. When you practice focused attention, the mind becomes more concentrated and focused. An improvement in both physical and mental health may result from this.

How Can Focused Attention In Meditation Help You In Daily Life?

Focused attention meditation can help reduce stress levels and improve focus. Meditation techniques that require focused attention can be used for various purposes, including stress relief, relaxation, improving sleep quality, and increasing creativity.

Can kids meditate?

Yes – the benefits of meditation for children and adolescents are the same as those for adults. Meditation can help improve focus, attention span, sleep quality, and stress levels.


My name is Mugen Seki, and I’m a painter and yoga enthusiast who is passionate about bringing together art and exercise in ways that help people connect with their inner selves. When I’m not painting, I’m practicing yoga. And when I’m not doing either of those things, I’m usually thinking about them.