Yes, you can learn Ashtanga yoga at home, and there are many benefits.
In this blog post, we’ll explore some of those benefits and give you tips on getting started. So read on to find out more.
Key Takeaways
- Yes, you can learn Ashtanga yoga at home, but it is best learned with the guidance of a qualified instructor.
- Ashtanga yoga is a system codified and popularized by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.
- The Ashtanga system traditionally consists of six series, each more challenging than the last.
- A typical Ashtanga class will involve moving through a set sequence of poses, with each pose held for five breaths.
- Ashtanga yoga aims to purify the body and mind through asana (yoga postures) and pranayama (breath control).

Here’s The Answer To Can You Learn Ashtanga Yoga At Home
You can learn Ashtanga yoga at home, but it will not be easy. You’ll need to find a good teacher and put in the time and effort to practice regularly.
If you wish to learn Ashtanga yoga at home, the following are some important considerations:
- Find a good teacher: This is probably the most important thing. A good teacher can give you the guidance and support you need to progress in your practice.
- Be patient and consistent: Learning yoga takes time, and consistency is key. Don’t expect to get it perfect overnight – just keep practicing and progressing little by little each day.
- Have realistic expectations: Don’t expect to be able to do all the fancy poses you see in magazines or on Instagram right away. Start with the basics and work your way up.
Yes, You Can Learn Ashtanga Yoga at Home

If you have been to an Ashtanga class, you know that a lot of people are more flexible than you and can do things with their bodies that look like magic.
It’s easy to think that these people were born with the ability to do what they do—but as it turns out, they had to start somewhere too.
So while it may seem impossible at first glance, if you have access to a mirror (or even just a camera) and some space in your home where no one will judge or criticize you for practicing yoga poses in front of them (like the kitchen), then yes: You can learn Ashtanga Yoga at home.
There Are Some Great Online Courses for Ashtanga Yoga
There are some great online courses for Ashtanga Yoga. Online courses are good for people who can’t leave home.
They are also good for people who don’t have time to go to a physical class and also for people who want to learn at their own pace.
There Are Lots of Great Books on Ashtanga Yoga
Many great books are out there that teach you how to practice Ashtanga yoga. One of the best is Ashtanga Yoga, by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.
This book is an excellent resource for anyone interested in starting an at-home practice who needs alignment or sequencing help.
It also has a lot of great historical context about how this style came about. For individuals who are interested in finding out more about the origins of Ashtanga and why it is still so effective now, it can be quite useful.
Another good one is David Swenson’s classic text, Ashtanga Yoga: The Definitive Guide to the Classic Form.
You Can Get a Good Workout from A Video on Ashtanga Yoga
The biggest benefit of practicing yoga at home is convenience. You can do it whenever you have time and wear whatever clothes make you feel most comfortable.
There’s no commute time or dressing up, and no other people are around to distract or annoy you.
A good video should be taught by an experienced yoga teacher who knows how to explain poses clearly.
Have an easy-to-follow progression from one pose to another so that even beginners can follow along without getting lost. Include clear instructions on how much each pose should take (if applicable).
A Good Teacher Is the Best Way to Learn Ashtanga Yoga
If you’re serious about learning Ashtanga Yoga, I can think of no better way than to find a teacher and learn it in person.
A good teacher will help you find the right pace for your practice, identify any potential injuries that may be developing, offer modifications of poses when they are needed (or even just admit when you’ve gone too far), and be able to motivate you through moments of frustration or discouragement.
If your only goal is to do yoga at home for stress relief and health benefits—and not necessarily to achieve enlightenment—then having a teacher might not even be necessary.
But if you want more than just physical fitness from your practice (which I think most people do), then finding an experienced teacher is key.
There Are Many Ways to Learn Ashtanga Yoga at Home
- Online courses
- Books
- Videos
- Instructors, such as your local yoga teacher or a fellow student of Ashtanga Yoga.
What Are The Basic Poses Of Ashtanga Yoga?

- Warrior I: The legs are shoulder-width apart, and the feet are hip-width apart. To lay a solid foundation, slightly stoop your knees and plant your heels.
- Mountain Pose (Tadasana): This basic standing pose can be used to prepare your body for other poses. While standing, we want our feet hip-width apart and pointing straight ahead. Our arms are by our sides with our palms facing down. Keep the crown of your head in line with your tailbone and tilt it slightly forward so that you’re looking upward at a 45-degree angle.
So there you have it, our top picks for the best ways to learn Ashtanga Yoga at home.
Whether you want to join a class or follow along in a book, we hope this article has helped you find what you’re looking for.
Remember that learning yoga is about finding your way and doing what works best for you. So go ahead, take on those asanas—you’ve got this.
Frequently Asked Questions
How difficult is Ashtanga yoga?
The practice is challenging, but it’s not impossible. The poses are designed to work the entire body and require a lot of dedication and focus. However, keep up with your practice. You will eventually be able to achieve the same level of flexibility as any certified teacher.
I’m not very flexible, can I still do Ashtanga yoga?
Yes, Ashtanga yoga is designed for all levels of practitioners. However, it’s starting slowly, and building up your flexibility gradually is important. If you cannot do certain poses or find them difficult, don’t be discouraged; focus on practicing the other poses in the class sequence.
Do I need a lot of props to practice Ashtanga yoga at home?
No, you don’t need special equipment to practice Ashtanga yoga at home. Most poses can be done with your body weight or with a few items you may have around the house.
My name is Mugen Seki, and I’m a painter and yoga enthusiast who is passionate about bringing together art and exercise in ways that help people connect with their inner selves. When I’m not painting, I’m practicing yoga. And when I’m not doing either of those things, I’m usually thinking about them.
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