Can You Do Yoga With A Bad Shoulder (Yes, It’s Possible!)

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: March 3, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

I have a bad shoulder. Yes, it’s true. I’ve had it for years and have learned to live with it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t do yoga!

Yoga is one of the best things you can do if you suffer from a bad shoulder because many poses will help improve mobility and reduce pain.

The only trick is knowing which poses are safe to do with shoulder problems and which aren’t recommended.

This blog post will share some tips on yoga with a bad shoulder. We’ll also give you some poses to avoid.

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, you can do yoga with a bad shoulder. Some many modifications and props can be used to make poses more comfortable and accessible.
  • Always consult a doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen, especially if you have an injury.
  • Yoga can help improve the range of motion and flexibility in the shoulder and strengthen the muscles around the joint.
  • Poses that focus on opening the chest and stretching the front of the body are generally good for people with shoulder pain.
  • It is important to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. If a pose is painful, stop doing it and try something else.
A woman in white top having shoulder pain.
Can You Do Yoga With A Bad Shoulder

Here’s The Answer To Can You Do Yoga With A Bad Shoulder

Yes, you can do yoga with a bad shoulder. I know because I have had a bad shoulder for years and have been doing yoga for just as long.

You will need to make some modifications, but overall, yoga is a great way to stretch and strengthen your shoulder.

Here are some things to keep in mind when doing yoga with a bad shoulder:

  • Don’t do poses that require you to put weight on your shoulders, such as a downward dog or crow pose.
  • Don’t do any arm balances or inversions.
  • Be careful with backbends. If they aggravate your shoulder, skip them or only do a small version of the pose.
  • Do lots of gentle chest openers to help release tightness in the front of the shoulders.
  • Do plenty of gentle twists to keep the spine mobile and help relieve shoulder tension.

You Can Do Yoga With A Bad Shoulder By Avoiding Poses That Put Pressure On Your Shoulder

I am in a blue shell having shoulder pain.
You Can Do Yoga With A Bad Shoulder By Avoiding Poses That Put Pressure On Your Shoulder

You can do yoga with a bad shoulder by avoiding poses that put pressure on your shoulders.

  • Use props such as blocks, straps, and blankets to help you get into more intense poses without straining your joints.
  • Do poses that stretch the chest and open the shoulders, like a downward-facing dog.
  • Do poses that strengthen core muscles, improving posture, which will take the stress off the joint.

Poses That Put Pressure On Your Shoulder Can Be Done By Using Props Such As Blocks Or Straps

  • Use a block to support your shoulder. Use a block to support if you cannot hold your hand on the floor.
  • Use a strap to support your shoulder. If you have no strength in one arm, use a strap to help you balance yourself during poses that put pressure on that side of the body.
  • Use a strap to support your leg. If one knee is injured, using a strap will allow for better alignment and, therefore, more stability during poses such as Warrior II or Triangle Pose (Trikonasana). You can also use this strap for backbends such as Cobra or Bow Pose (Dhanurasana).
  • Use a strap to support your back if any injuries prevent it from being strong enough for some poses without assistance from props like blocks or straps.

Yoga Poses That Are Good For Shoulders Include Downward Facing Dog, Child’s Pose, And Cat/Cow Pose

You can do yoga with a bad shoulder, but it’s important to modify your practice. Stop doing that pose if you experience pain during or after a pose.

A few poses are especially helpful for those with sore shoulders: Downward Facing Dog, Child’s Pose, and Cat/Cow Pose.

Shoulder Stretches That Can Be Done Outside Of Yoga Class Include Arm Raises And Chest Openers

Shoulder stretches that can be done outside of yoga class include arm raises and chest openers.

Arm raises can be seated or standing, as long as your back is straight. The arms should stay at the sides of your body and bent at 90 degrees, with hands in fists.

Push the arms above your head without twisting (use a wall for balance if needed). Lower them to the sides again slowly. Repeat 15-20 times in sets of 10-15 repetitions each day.

If You Are In Pain, Stop The Activity And Consult A Doctor

Stop the exercise if you are in pain, and then see a doctor. Suppose you are experiencing pain during yoga poses. In that case, it is best to stop the activity and consult a medical professional about your injury.

The same goes for any other physical activity that causes discomfort or pain.

If you are in pain, talk to your doctor about it.

Your doctor will most likely refer you to physical therapy if he or she feels this is necessary. With some basic knowledge of how to do yoga safely, however, many people with chronic shoulder injuries find that they can continue practicing without causing further damage (or at least not as much).

What Are Some Of The Best Yoga Poses For People With A Bad Shoulder?

A woman in white top and black pants doing yoga outdoors.
What Are Some Of The Best Yoga Poses For People With A Bad Shoulder

There are a lot of people that experience shoulder pain. Whether it’s from an injury or poor posture, getting rid of the pain can be tough. But don’t worry. Yoga can help.

You may increase the strength and suppleness of your shoulders by practicing yoga. It can also help with pain relief and prevent further injuries. Here are some of the best yoga poses for people with a bad shoulders:

  • Downward Facing Dog
  • Cat-Cow Pose
  • Camel Pose 

Practicing yoga helps strengthen the muscles around your joints and ligaments, so they can better support themselves while bearing weight and pressure on them.

With regular practice, you’ll notice flexibility and range of motion improvements—just keep at it and don’t give up.

Is There Any Yoga Poses That People With A Bad Shoulder Should Avoid?

  • Don’t do poses that pressure the shoulder, like downward dog.
  • Don’t do poses that pressure the neck, like a cobra and upward-facing dog.
  • Don’t do poses that pressure the lower back, like a downward-facing dog and child’s pose (with forehead supported).
  • Don’t do poses that pressure your knees, like pigeon pose or warrior 2 (if you have knee problems).
  • And finally, don’t try to practice yoga if you have ankle problems. This can be painful for people with bad shoulders or weak shoulders.

What Other Things Can People With A Bad Shoulder Do To Improve Their Condition?

While yoga will help you to strengthen and stretch your muscles, it’s important to take care of them in other ways. Here are some tips for avoiding injury while doing everyday activities:

  • Do not lift heavy objects. If you have to lift something, use both arms instead of one arm.
  • Avoid using your arms to reach for things.
  • Avoid carrying heavy bags or other objects on one shoulder.
  • Avoid pushing or pulling with your arms (don’t open doors with one hand). If possible, avoid reaching above your head when opening doors or cabinets; instead, try pulling down below if possible—or ask someone else nearby to help! This may be difficult at first, but it can become easier with practice.
  • Don’t lean on one arm when sitting as this places unnecessary pressure on the joint where it connects directly into the socket, which can lead over time leading, eventually causing pain problems later down the line now – so don’t do it.


I hope this article has helped you understand how to properly treat your shoulder pain.

Suppose you do have a bad shoulder and want some relief. In that case, I recommend getting started with some of these exercises as soon as possible.

So, if you’ve been wanting to try yoga but are worried about your shoulder, there’s no need to worry. Just make some modifications to your practice, and you’ll be good to go.

For more articles on yoga, be sure to check out our website. And for updates on all things yoga, follow us on social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will yoga make my shoulder pain worse?

No, yoga is a great way to improve your shoulder pain. When you do the poses correctly, it will help to stretch and strengthen your shoulders.

Can I do yoga with a rotator cuff injury?

Yes, you can do yoga with a rotator cuff injury. Just be sure to modify the poses as needed so that you don’t put too much pressure on your shoulder.

How can I modify yoga poses for a bad shoulder?

Often, you can modify a yoga pose by placing a cushion underneath your knees or adding more padding to the bench. Additionally, some people find relief by using props, such as blocks or straps.

Is it safe to do yoga with a frozen shoulder?

It is generally safe to do yoga with a frozen shoulder. However, you should always consult a physician before beginning a new routine.


My name is Mugen Seki, and I’m a painter and yoga enthusiast who is passionate about bringing together art and exercise in ways that help people connect with their inner selves. When I’m not painting, I’m practicing yoga. And when I’m not doing either of those things, I’m usually thinking about them.