Can You Add Yoga To Fitbit (The Perfect Combo)

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: March 3, 2023
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Yes, you can add yoga to Fitbit. The Fitbit app includes many activities, including yoga and meditation. You can track your performance in the app by setting goals and tracking time spent doing each activity.

People often struggle to stay motivated when incorporating yoga into their daily routines. 

But with Fitbit, you’ll have an easier time keeping yourself accountable and motivated. Learn how to get started with adding yoga to your Fitbit today.

Key Takeaways

  • Yes, you can add yoga to your Fitbit and track your progress, as it is now a feature on the app.
  • The new yoga tracking feature allows users to record the type of activity, duration, and calories burned for each session.
  • You can also view data about past workouts, including time spent on activities such as breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. 
  • Fitbit’s yoga tracking feature also offers personalized insights into how practicing regularly impacts your overall health. 
  • It will help you gauge how much effort you are exerting during each session so that you may make adjustments and more effectively work toward your personal objectives.

Here’s The Answer To Can You Add Yoga To Fitbit

Can You Add Yoga To Fitbit
Can You Add Yoga To Fitbit

Yes, you can add yoga to Fitbit. It is a great way to track your fitness and help you stay motivated to reach your goals

The Fitbit app allows users to easily log yoga sessions, including their duration and intensity level. 

This data can be used to analyze how much time is spent on each activity and compare it with other activities, such as running or walking. 

Furthermore, the app allows users to access pre-made workouts created by professional instructors that they can follow while they practice yoga at home. 

These workouts range from beginner to advanced levels depending on how experienced a user is in yoga.

My personal experience with adding yoga to my Fitbit has been very positive because it has helped me stay consistent in my practice and given me an easy way to track my progress over time. Moreover, the instructional videos have been very helpful in improving my form, so I can experience more benefits from practicing yoga regularly.

How To Track Your Yoga Workouts With Fitbit

How To Track Your Yoga Workouts With Fitbit
How To Track Your Yoga Workouts With Fitbit

Fitbit easily tracks your yoga workouts with its wearable technology and digital tracking.

You can connect your fitness tracker to various yoga apps and set custom goals for each session.

This allows you to track the number of minutes, poses, breathing exercises, stretching, steps, and other movements during your practice. 

Connecting Your Fitness Tracker And Yoga Apps

Connecting your fitness tracker to a yoga app allows you to monitor your health while doing yoga.

You can track active minutes, calories burned, the intensity of movements, and even mindfulness exercises during each session.

This makes it simpler to monitor your development and guarantees that you get the most physical activity possible out of each session. 

Setting Up Custom Goals For Yoga On Fitbit

Setting Up Custom Goals For Yoga In Fitbit
Setting Up Custom Goals For Yoga In Fitbit

When setting up custom goals for yoga in Fitbit, you can easily monitor the amount of time spent on different activities during a workout.

You can also track data such as calories burned, steps taken, and other important activities for monitoring progress.

This helps you stay motivated to reach your fitness goals by providing tangible results every time you practice yoga

Benefits Of Tracking Your Yoga Practice With Fitbit

Tracking your yoga practice with Fitbit can be a great way to monitor your physical health and progress over time. Here are a few benefits to consider:

  • Keep track of how many minutes, poses, breathing exercises, and stretching sessions you do in a day or week. This way, you’ll know exactly what is working best for you.
  • Gain insight into how much energy you’re expending during each session. This can help you know when to take a break or increase intensity levels.
  • Monitor your progress over time to see how your yoga practice impacts your physical health.

Yoga practice tracking with Fitbit can be a terrific method to remain on top of your fitness and health objectives.

Monitoring Your Progress Over Time 

Monitoring Your Progress Over Time
Monitoring Your Progress Over Time

You can monitor your progress with Fitbit – track your exercise, physical activity, and health data to help you reach your goals.

The Fitbit app allows you to easily view tracking data for yoga poses, active minutes, steps taken, and more.

Plus, it’s easy to set up reminders to stay on top of your fitness goals. 

Unlocking Achievements For Completing Challenges 

Using Fitbit’s wearable technology and digital tracking capabilities allows you to unlock achievements when completing challenges.

You can earn points for completing breathing exercises, mindful stretching sessions, or reaching certain intensity levels when practicing yoga poses.

Plus, it encourages you to keep pushing yourself and strive for new goals.

Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Yoga Tracking With Fitbit

Fitbit is a great tool for tracking your yoga workouts. It provides an easy way to monitor all aspects of your physical activity, including:

  • Calories burned
  • Mindfulness exercises
  • And more

Fitbit helps you get the most out of each session with its tracking tool.

To maximize your experience, try connecting the mobile app with other apps to better visualize the data from your activities.

Final Thoughts

I hope this article helped you to better understand how yoga can be incorporated into your Fitbit routine.

It is not only a fantastic method to stay active, but it is also quite advantageous. Tracking your progress through the app can help keep you motivated.

Plus, checking in on your goals helps keep you accountable for your health.

If you’re looking for more tips and tricks on how to make the most of Fitbit, follow us here. You won’t want to miss out on all our extra advice about getting yourself healthy with fitness trackers – so don’t wait too long.


My name is Mugen Seki, and I’m a painter and yoga enthusiast who is passionate about bringing together art and exercise in ways that help people connect with their inner selves. When I’m not painting, I’m practicing yoga. And when I’m not doing either of those things, I’m usually thinking about them.