Can Yoga Cure Acid Reflux (Effective Natural Remedy)

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: March 3, 2023
  • Time to read: 4 min.

Yes, yoga can help cure acid reflux. Practicing specific poses can strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and reduce pressure on the stomach, preventing acid reflux. Regular yoga postures can also help improve digestion, reduce stress and increase relaxation.

Do you suffer from acid reflux? Are you looking for a natural solution to help manage your symptoms? 

Discover how yoga can help ease acid reflux, and learn which poses are most beneficial for calming this condition. Read on to find out more.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoga can be an effective natural remedy for acid reflux as it strengthens the core muscles and helps with digestive health. 
  • Certain yoga poses, such as Child’s Pose, Cobra Pose, Bridge Pose, and Chair Pose, can help alleviate symptoms of acid reflux.
  • Doing yoga regularly helps improve posture and reduce stress and overall digestion, which can help relieve symptoms of acid reflux. 
  • Practicing deep breathing exercises during yoga sessions may also help to improve respiratory functioning, which could further reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.

Here’s The Answer To Can Yoga Cure Acid Reflux

Can Yoga Cure Acid Reflux
Can Yoga Cure Acid Reflux

Yoga has been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine in India for centuries, and medical practitioners in the West are now recognizing its benefits. 

The main advantage of yoga is that it helps to relax the body and reduce stress, which can trigger acid reflux. 

The practice involves postures (asanas) combined with breathing exercises (pranayama) to create balance in the body and mind. 

Specific poses that may help alleviate symptoms include Balasana (Child’s Pose), Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose), and Ustrasana (Camel Pose). 

Additionally, pranayama such as Nadi Sodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing) can help calm the nerves and reduce anxiety. 

  • Balasana – Child’s Pose 
  • Setu Bandha Sarvangasana – Bridge Pose 
  • Ustrasana – Camel Pose 
  • Nadi Sodhana – Alternate Nostril Breathing 

I have found that incorporating gentle yoga postures into my daily routine has helped me manage my acid reflux symptoms better. It has allowed me to become more mindful of my body movements and pay attention to how my actions affect my overall well-being.

The Benefits Of Yoga For Acid Reflux Sufferers

The Benefits Of Yoga For Acid Reflux Sufferers
The Benefits Of Yoga For Acid Reflux Sufferers

Yoga can provide relief to those suffering from acid reflux and GERD symptoms.

It can help reduce stress, improve digestion, and help strengthen the core muscles that support better posture.

Through relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and yoga poses, yoga helps reduce abdominal pain and heartburn caused by GERD.

Yoga Postures That Help Reduce Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Yoga Postures That Help Reduce Symptoms Of Acid Reflux
Yoga Postures That Help Reduce Symptoms Of Acid Reflux

Some yogic practices beneficial for those with acid reflux include seated forward folds, vinyasa flows, deep breathing exercises, and diaphragmatic breathing.

These positions can improve the digestive system’s blood flow and aid in esophageal sphincter relaxation, allowing stomach acid to reflux back into the esophagus. 

How Pranayama Can Help Heal Acid Reflux 

Pranayama is a yogic breathing technique with great health benefits for those with acid reflux.

It helps relax the mind and body while promoting better digestion and stress management.

Pranayama also helps strengthen the core muscles, which improves posture and increases physical activity levels. 

Tips For Practicing Safe And Effective Yoga With Acid Reflux 

Tips For Practicing Safe And Effective Yoga With Acid Reflux 1
Tips For Practicing Safe And Effective Yoga With Acid Reflux

It’s critical to bear the following in mind when doing yoga while experiencing acid reflux:

  • Use modifications that are right for you.
  • Listen to your body’s cues on how far to go in each yoga pose.
  • Be mindful of how much effort you put into each movement.
  • Practice deep abdominal breathing during the practice. This will help create more space around your abdomen, which relieves pressure on your stomach acids.

Choosing The Right Types Of Postures And Techniques 

When practicing yoga with acid reflux, it is important to choose postures and techniques that are gentle yet effective at helping alleviate symptoms of GERD.

Some poses may include seated forward folds or gentle twists, which can help bring more circulation into the abdominal area while aiding digestion.

Other techniques, such as pranayama, will also be helpful when it comes to relaxing both the mind and body while managing stress levels associated with GERD symptoms.  

Modifications To Make When Practicing Yoga With Acid Reflux 

It is crucial to be aware of any adjustments that may be necessary for many persons with acid reflux or GERD when performing yoga poses or other yogic practices like pranayama or meditation. 

  • This may include taking breaks throughout their practice or making slower movements easier on their bodies than vigorous ones. 
  • Additionally, props such as blankets or bolsters beneath their heads or hips can offer additional support when doing certain postures that aggravate their condition.

Wrapping Up

This blog post has discussed the possible ways yoga can help treat acid reflux. It was explained that some specific poses and breathing exercises could help reduce acid reflux symptoms, such as chest pain and heartburn. 

These include forward bends, twists, cobra pose, and alternate nostril breathing. 

It’s important to remember that yoga is not a complete cure for acid reflux, but it can effectively manage its symptoms.

So why not give it a try? Yoga could be a great option for you if you’re looking for relief from your acid reflux symptoms without medication. 

Keep reading our articles on integrating yoga into your lifestyle to get the most relief from your acid reflux.


My name is Mugen Seki, and I’m a painter and yoga enthusiast who is passionate about bringing together art and exercise in ways that help people connect with their inner selves. When I’m not painting, I’m practicing yoga. And when I’m not doing either of those things, I’m usually thinking about them.