Can Sitting Thoughtless With Eyes Closed Be Called Meditation

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: March 3, 2023
  • Time to read: 7 min.

I’m often asked if sitting thoughtless with eyes closed can be called meditation. My answer is always the same: it depends.

There are many different types of meditation, each with its definition. Some people say that meditation is about clearing your mind of all thoughts. Others say that it’s about focusing on a single thought or object. And still, others say that it’s about observing your thoughts without judgment.

So, can sitting thoughtless with eyes closed be called meditation? If you’re doing it intending to meditate, then yes, it can.

Key Takeaways

  • Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique, such as mindfulness, to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
  • While there are many different types of meditation, the goal of all meditations is to focus and quiet the mind.
  • Sitting thoughtless with eyes closed can be called meditation if it is done to quiet the mind.
  • However, sitting thoughtless with eyes closed is not necessarily effective at quieting the mind.
  • Many other practices, such as mindfulness meditation, can be more effective at Quieting the mind.
A man meditating
Can Sitting Thoughtless With Eyes Closed Be Called Meditation

Here’s The Answer To Can Sitting Thoughtless With Eyes Closed Be Called Meditation

Yes, sitting thoughtless with eyes closed can be called meditation. The practice of meditation has many different forms and purposes across various cultures, religions, and philosophies.

Some people meditate for religious or spiritual reasons. In contrast, others do it for health benefits or to increase focus and concentration. 

There are many different ways to meditate, but most involve focusing the mind on something, such as your breath, a mantra (a word or phrase repeated repeatedly), or an object.

Once you have chosen something to focus on, you need to sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed (or open if you use an object as your focus).

You then need to pay attention to your chosen object of focus without letting your mind wander. If your mind does wander, simply bring it back to the object of focus.

Yes, Sitting Thoughtless With Eyes Closed Can Be Called Meditation

A few elderly people meditating
Yes, Sitting Thoughtless With Eyes Closed Can Be Called Meditation

The answer is yes. You can sit thoughtlessly with eyes closed and call it meditation if you want to, but that doesn’t make it so.

Though there are many different types of meditation techniques, from mindfulness to transcendental meditation, the majority have one thing in common: they require letting go of thoughts to focus on your breath or other aspects of your environment.

This can be done through visualization or by focusing on the physical sensations associated with breathing. In other words, meditating requires letting go of all thoughts except those related to breathing.

If you’ve ever tried meditating before (and let’s be honest—you probably haven’t), then you know how difficult this can be at first because our minds tend not only toward distraction but also self-criticism and judgmental thinking when left alone with nothing else besides us and our thoughts.

Meditation Is A State Of Mind Where You Are Aware But Not Thinking

I am a meditation teacher. I believe in the power of meditation, but I also believe that mindless sitting is not meditation.

Meditation is a state of mind where you’re aware but not thinking.

It can happen with eyes open or closed, but it’s not about staring at yourself in the mirror for hours on end (though that might be fun).

It’s something more subtle than that—a mental discipline by which we learn to control our attention to choose what we pay attention to and don’t.

It’s also possible to meditate without closing your eyes if this helps you focus better; however, if it helps you concentrate, then you may want to try closing them anyway just because they’re likely an attractive distraction (and if they help keep them shut then all the better!).

You Need To Focus On Your Breath And Let Go Of All Thoughts

A young kid meditating
You Need To Focus On Your Breath And Let Go Of All Thoughts

To achieve this state of mind, you must focus on your breath and let go of all your thoughts.

Don’t worry about what you will do after meditation or what you did before meditation.

Don’t worry about what you will do next either. Let all of these thoughts go and just concentrate on your breathing.

Some Argue That Meditation Is To Let Go Of All Thoughts And To Clear The Mind

There are many misconceptions about meditation. One of the most common is clearing the mind, which is impossible because thoughts constantly come and go.

The goal of meditation isn’t to have a completely blank mind but rather to be aware of your thoughts—without judging them or trying to control them.

True peace and contentment in life can only be attained if you learn how to let go of judgment and control over your thoughts (which can take years).

Therefore Sitting Thoughtless With Eyes Closed Can Indeed Be Called Meditation

A young kid annoyed
Therefore Sitting Thoughtless With Eyes Closed Can Indeed Be Called Meditation

It is said that meditation is a state of mind, a way to become aware of your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them.

If you can do this, it doesn’t matter what you do or how you position yourself—you are meditating. This can be accomplished through any activity that requires your full attention.

For example, suppose you are sitting with your eyes closed but not thinking about anything. In that case, this might count as meditation for you.

It’s not necessary for every person who does it to have the same idea about what counts as meditation; together, we can come up with different ideas and figure out which works best for each person!

Why Do People Meditate?

If you have ever thought about meditating but never tried it, you may be wondering why people do it in the first place.

Meditation can help you feel more relaxed, focused, and generally more at peace with your life.

It can also make you feel just a little bit better about yourself. As if that weren’t enough, meditation can also give practitioners an extra energy boost throughout the day.

This is all because meditation helps people get into their bodies in new ways—and the effects are lasting and powerful once they’re there.

Who Can Benefit From Meditation?

A teenage girl meditating with a blue top
Who Can Benefit From Meditation

Meditation can be beneficial if you are an Olympic athlete, a common man, or a monk. Here’s how:

  • If you want to learn how to relax and focus your mind, then you can use meditation as a tool. It won’t necessarily make you faster or stronger in your sport, but it will help with the mental aspect of athletics. And that’s where most athletes struggle—getting past their heads and into their bodies. Meditation gets them, thereby helping them focus on the present moment instead of worrying about what could happen next week or next month.
  • If you’re looking for more happiness in your life, stop thinking about what will make me happy tomorrow (or five years from now) and start thinking about what makes me happy right now. The good news is that this emotion is available to everyone, day and night—it doesn’t matter whether we’re rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old, male or female, smart (or not so smart).


Yes, sitting thoughtless with eyes closed can be called meditation. Meditation is the practice of focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of awareness. 

This state of awareness can be achieved through different types of meditation, including mindfulness meditation and Transcendental Meditation.

If you are looking to meditate, then sitting thoughtless with your eyes closed can be a great way to get started. There are many benefits of meditation, and it is one of the most popular forms of self-improvement today.

If you think this method will work for you, too, then go ahead and try it out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can sitting with my eyes closed be called meditation?

Yes, this can be considered meditation. Meditation is the practice of focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of awareness.

Is mindlessly sitting or staring at a computer screen meditation?

Mindless sitting is not the same as meditation. Mindless sitting typically refers to focusing on tasks that do not require thought, such as staring at a computer screen without focus or zoning out during class. Meditation, on the other hand, requires concentration and focus.

How can I practice mindfulness if I’m busy?

When you’re busy, there are many methods to practice mindfulness. You can focus on your breath, count your breaths, or focus on your body.

What is the difference between meditation and prayer?

A prayer is a form of meditation that typically focuses on a higher power or deity. Meditation, on the other hand, does require focus on something, but the focus can be on anything. And can be practiced by anyone.



My name is Mugen Seki, and I’m a painter and yoga enthusiast who is passionate about bringing together art and exercise in ways that help people connect with their inner selves. When I’m not painting, I’m practicing yoga. And when I’m not doing either of those things, I’m usually thinking about them.