Kneeling Yoga Poses: Hands, Knees, and Position Reference Guide

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: March 4, 2023
  • Time to read: 9 min.

Table of Contents

Kneeling yoga poses have many benefits for practitioners. Kneeling helps to stretch and strengthen the spine, hips, and core muscles while also improving balance and coordination. It is also said to help improve posture and alignment in the body and help with releasing tension in the body while promoting relaxation. Practicing kneeling poses can also help to increase flexibility, strength, focus, and mental clarity.

In this post we will discuss all you need to know about this kneeling pose

What are the different types of kneeling yoga poses?

There are a few types of kneeling yoga poses and they include:

1. Kneeling Sun Salutation Sequence:

This can provide numerous benefits for practitioners, such as increased strength and flexibility, improved posture and balance, reduced stress and anxiety levels, improved breathing control, enhanced focus and concentration. These sequences also help to activate the core muscles of the body while providing a calming effect on both the mind and body.

2. Kneeling Pose Arms Raised Side Child Pose Flow:

This offers several benefits, such as soothing the body and mind, promoting a deep stretch to the side body, and providing a gentle and stretchy way to start the day. This flow helps beginners who want to relax and stretch their body without feeling any pressure or pain.

3. Kneeling Pose Arms Crossed Forward Bend Flow:

This is a yoga pose that is used to stretch the quadriceps muscles of the thighs and tops of the feet. This pose provides good alignment for seated meditation. It helps to have the inseams of your feet touching, but it’s not necessary. The head should be kept neutral and spine in its natural position during this pose; with the crown of your head towards the ceiling as you perform this pose. Other kneeling yoga poses vary in terms of arms positions and leg positions, but this one requires arms be crossed over each other while bending forwards slightly – with focus on pressing down on one straight leg into floor to lift both hands easily.

4. Kneeling Pose Eagle Arms Forward Bend Flow:

This offers numerous benefits, including reducing stress, improving flexibility and circulation, and relieving pain. This pose can help improve posture and further reduce stress levels. It is a beneficial pose that can be done at home or in the yoga studio.

5. Kneeling Pose Hands Chair:

This yoga pose has many benefits, including strengthening the quadriceps, hamstrings, and abductors. It can also increase blood flow to the lower region of the body. To assist with balancing during this pose, practitioners may use a wall for extra support.

6. Gate Pose Variation Knee Bent Hand on Knee:

This yoga pose has several benefits. It helps to increase flexibility in the hips and ribs, as well as improving balance and strengthening the knee. It also relieves stress from a knee replacement and can help reduce pain associated with knee conditions. It is an effective way to stretch while avoiding hyperextension of the front knee. As such, this pose is perfect for those looking to experience its many benefits without risking injury.

7. Gate Pose Kneeling Half Moon Pose Flow:

This is a balancing pose that strengthens the muscles that support the knee. Unlike other kneeling yoga poses, it requires support such as a block near the front of the right foot and is intended to open up the left side of hips and spine. To enter Gate Pose Kneeling Half Moon Pose Flow, one should bend both knees and lift their torso off of the floor, holding for a couple of seconds before increasing duration as they get stronger.

8. One Legged Reclined Hero Pose With Straps:

This provides numerous benefits, including increased flexibility, strengthened quadriceps and hip flexors, and activation of the calf muscles. It is a great way to improve overall flexibility and enhance range of motion in the legs.

9. One Leg Raised Camel Pose:

This is beneficial for stretching and strengthening the spine and hips, as well as engaging the gluteus maximus and thigh muscles. This pose can also strengthen the abs and front of the hips.

10. Donkey Kick Pose:

This is said to provide a number of benefits, including increased flexibility and improved health. This pose is believed to help with posture.

What is the importance of proper hand and knee positioning in kneeling yoga poses?

The importance of proper hand and knee positioning in kneeling yoga poses cannot be overstated. When performing these postures, it is important to make sure that the hands and knees are correctly positioned as this will ensure that the muscles are properly aligned and that any knee pain is alleviated. Furthermore, correct positioning will help to stretch the spine and hips more effectively.

How to safely practice kneeling yoga poses?

People practicing kneeling yoga poses are at risk of experiencing knee, ankle and hip problems if they do not take the time to check their alignment and use props such as blankets to adjust their posture. To avoid these risks, it is important to ensure that the feet are together in the center of the mat and that the knees are directly in front of the blanket edge. If sitting up straight after kneeling proves difficult, a rolled blanket should be placed under the ankles for added comfort. If there is still discomfort after using props, it is recommended to not attempt this pose at all until more comfortable. 

What are the benefits of practicing kneeling yoga poses?

Some of the benefits of kneeling yoga poses include:

1. Strengthens the arms and shoulders:

Strong arms and shoulders are important in yoga because they provide stability and help to support various poses. Having strong arms and shoulders makes it easier to keep balance, as well as maintaining proper alignment throughout the practice.

2. Improves balance and stability:

Improving balance and stability is important in yoga as it helps to stabilize the spine and joints, which can help prevent injury, improve posture, and increase overall strength.

3. Stretches the hips, quadriceps, calves, and ankles:

The benefits of kneeling yoga poses are important as they help to improve hip flexibility, release glutes and low back muscles, and stretch the different parts of the body in various ways. This helps to increase range of motion and reduce pain associated with tightness in these areas. 

4. Enhances circulation and blood flow:

The practice of yoga kneeling poses that improve circulation and blood flow can have many benefits, including reducing stress, depression, and chronic pain; helping to promote better sleep; and enhancing overall well-being.

5. Enhances concentration and focus:

By being attentive and aware of the body’s movements, individuals can improve body awareness, activate the appropriate muscles, and add functional movement. These combined effects contribute to an overall healthier lifestyle.

6. Enhances flexibility of the spine:

The flexibility of the spine is important in yoga because it allows for the safe and effective execution of yoga poses. This helps prevent injuries with twisting postures that require a range of motion. Improved flexibility also leads to improved muscle tone, balance, relaxation, and overall well-being. 

7. Increases overall body awareness:

Increasing overall body awareness is important in yoga in order to improve alignment, increase strength, mobility and range of motion, reduce back pain and improve mood, focus and sleep quality. It can help practitioners look younger and feel happier. By being mindful of the position of their hands, knees and other body parts during yoga poses practitioners can unlock the full potential of yoga practice.

8. Improves posture and posture awareness:

Improving posture and posture awareness is important for maintaining overall health and reducing stress levels, as well as improving balance, coordination and performance in physical activities. Improved posture can also increase body awareness and muscle activation when resistance is introduced to the practice.

9. Increases core strength:

Having a strong core is important for yoga practitioners as it helps to improve balance and stability, thus allowing them to achieve more difficult poses with greater ease. A strong core contributes to improving strength and mobility in the hips, shoulders and abs, helping yogis get even more out of their practice.

10. Stimulates the abdominal organs:

Practitioners of kneeling yoga poses may experience beneficial stimulation of the abdominal organs. This effect is said to be due to the stretching. Even if heels do not reach the ground, practitioners can still benefit as they can place them on a folded blanket.

11. Stimulates the mind and calms the nervous system:

One of the benefits of practicing kneeling yoga poses is that it can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve flexibility, and enhance overall well-being.

12. Improves breathing and breathing awareness:

Improving breathing and awareness of breath is an important part of practicing yoga poses because it helps the body reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain while also improving flexibility, balance, and muscle tone.

  1. Reduces stress and anxiety:

Practicing yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety, which is important for overall health and well-being. 

Kneeling Yoga Poses: Hands, Knees, and Position Reference Guide

What modifications can be made to make a pose more challenging or easier?

Here are a few things one can do to make their pose an easy or challenging one:

1. Increase or decrease the duration of the pose:

Modifying the duration of a yoga pose can help students gradually increase their strength and flexibility as their bodies become adapted to the position. This will also help them to maintain correct alignment and form, enabling them to maximize the benefits of each pose without straining their bodies.

2. Increase or decrease the range of motion of the pose:

Individuals may want to make a pose more challenging or easier depending on their own abilities and needs. Making poses more challenging can help increase flexibility, strength, awareness and mobility, while making them easier can help those with less experience or who are newer to yoga build the confidence they need to progress in the practice. 

3. Increase or decrease the intensity of the pose:

Increasing the intensity of a pose means that an individual will practice it in a way that is more challenging, often by moving away from a wall and engaging more muscles. Decreasing the intensity of the pose involves modifying it to make it less strenuous. It is important to practice caution when increasing or decreasing the intensity of poses, as injury can occur if not done safely.

4. Increase the number of repetitions of the pose:

Increasing the number of repetitions of a pose will make it easier, as the body becomes more accustomed to the posture. However, maintaining proper form and alignment is crucial in order to ensure that the pose is being done correctly and safely.

5. Increase the level of difficulty by adding props or weights:

One can add props or weights to a kneeling yoga pose to make it more challenging. Examples of props or weights could include resistance bands, light dumbbells, blocks, and bolsters. Using these items in combination with correct alignment and proper form while holding the pose can help strengthen key muscles and encourage good posture.

6. Reduce the level of difficulty by using props or supports:

One way to reduce the level of difficulty in a pose is to use props or supports. Blankets can be used to support the shins in child’s pose, and bolsters can be used across the shins for thunderbolt pose. Blocks can also be angled and used for quadriceps activation, while a wall can be used to assist with thoracic rotation. Props and supports like these help reduce the amount of knee flexion required in kneeling yoga poses, making them more accessible for different levels of practitioners.

7. Increase the level of balance in the pose:

Increasing the level of balance in a pose can make it more challenging by forcing the body to engage muscles around the knee to support itself. Shifting one’s weight from side-to-side or raising one leg or arm off of the floor will require greater focus and strength. 

8. Increase the level of focus and concentration in the pose:

The increased focus and concentration achieved through yoga poses can help to strengthen the mind-body connection, improve posture and balance, and increase mental clarity. This heightened awareness helps to promote self-awareness and overall wellbeing.

9. Make modifications to the positioning of the body during the pose:

Examples of modifications that can be made to a pose include adjusting the position of the hands, knees, and body in order to ensure safety and comfort. Poses may also be modified to improve the look or feel of a photo. For instance, if a student is experiencing knee pain during a yoga pose, they may modify it by ensuring their arms are well balanced or widening their stance. 

What is the hardest kneeling yoga pose ever?

The hardest kneeling yoga pose is virabhadrasana III (Warrior III), as it requires a lot of balance and flexibility. This pose is challenging because it involves bending the spine and hips in different directions, making it more difficult than other kneeling poses.

What should you consider when selecting a knee pad for these poses?

It is important to use a knee pad when doing yoga poses because it can help reduce the risk of injury and provide padding for the shins and knees, which can help to reduce the pressure on the kneecaps. It can help protect your knees from injury as you do different poses.


Once you understand the basics and tips to enjoying a smooth kneeling pose, the whole practice comes to you as easy and fun at every point.

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