How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Hot Yoga Class (Hint: A Lot)

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: March 3, 2023
  • Time to read: 8 min.

Have you ever wondered how many calories you burn in a hot yoga class? If so, you’re not alone. Many people are curious about the calorie-burning benefits of this popular workout.

While many variables can affect how many calories you burn during any given activity, hot yoga is a workout that can help you torch some serious calories. 

In fact, according to one study, a typical 75-minute hot yoga session can burn anywhere from 300 to 586 calories. Keep reading for more information and the benefits of this popular workout.

Key Takeaways

  • Hot yoga classes can vary in terms of how many calories they burn.
  • The average person burns between 300 and 600 calories in a hot yoga class.
  • The number of calories burned in a hot yoga class depends on various factors, including the class’s intensity, the class, the length of the class, and the person’s body type.
  • People looking to burn a lot of calories in a hot yoga class should choose a class that is high intensity and long in duration.
  • Those new to hot yoga or not looking to burn as many calories should choose a lower-intensity class or one shorter in duration.
a few people doing hot yoga on the floor
How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Hot Yoga Class

Here’s The Answer To How Many Calories Do You Burn In A Hot Yoga Class

Your weight, height, and intensity level are a few variables that will determine your response to this question. However, on average, you may anticipate burning between 300 and 600 calories in a single hot yoga session.

Your body weight and the kind of hot yoga you practice will affect how many calories you burn during a hot yoga session. A 155-pound person will burn approximately 155 calories in a 30-minute Hatha Yoga class, 183 calories in a 30-minute power Yoga class, and 225 calories in a 30-minute Ashtanga Yoga class.

There are many different yoga styles, each with a different calorie burn rate. Bikram, or “hot” yoga, is a style practiced in a heated room.

The room is typically kept between 95 and 100 degrees Fahrenheit, with 40 percent humidity. Because of the hot temperatures, you will sweat more during a Bikram yoga class, which can lead to fewer calories burned.

  • Hatha yoga is a slower-paced type that focuses on holding each pose for an extended period. Vinyasa yoga is a faster-paced type that links each movement to your breath.
  • Ashtanga yoga is another fast-paced type of yoga that follows a set sequence of poses. Power yoga is similar to ashtanga yoga, but the poses are often modified to make them more challenging.

A Typical Hot Yoga Class Lasts For About 75 – 90 Minutes

a note pad with calorie written on it
A Typical Hot Yoga Class Lasts For About 75 – 90 Minutes

A Typical Hot Yoga Class Lasts For About 75 – 90 Minutes. Hot yoga classes typically last between 75 and 90 minutes, depending on the instructor.

A class will usually begin with a brief meditation before moving into a series of poses done in rapid succession.

In addition to the physical exertion required for the practice, hot yoga involves plenty of breathing exercises and deep stretching, which makes it a challenging workout for even experienced yogis.

The Average Person Burns Between 300 And 600 Calories During A Hot Yoga Class

Calorie burn will depend on how many people are in the room, how long it lasts and how intense the workout is. If you’re taking classes regularly, expect your weight to decrease (or stay the same).

However, if you’re a beginner or just starting with hot yoga, don’t expect to see major weight loss at first.

If your body isn’t used to exercising in high-heat environments like this one—or if you’re not getting plenty of water—you could experience some side effects like dizziness or nausea during the session until your body adjusts.

During A Hot Yoga Class, Your Heart Rate Will Be Raised, And You Will Be Sweating Profusely

During a hot yoga class, you will sweat profusely. Your heart rate will be raised, and you may sometimes feel out of breath.

This is because the heat makes you sweat less and raises your body temperature, which makes your body work harder to cool off.

The more strenuous poses that require strength also increase how much energy you use during class. Consult your doctor before attempting hot yoga if you have any health issues that could be worsened by heat or dehydration.

If you are pregnant or have high blood pressure, hot yoga may not be right for you. Additionally, it’s essential to hydrate properly before, after, and, if possible, throughout the class.

Hot Yoga Is An Excellent Way To Lose Weight And Get In Shape

a few women performing hot yoga
Hot Yoga Is An Excellent Way To Lose Weight And Get In Shape

Hot yoga is an excellent way to lose weight and get in shape. You will sweat more during a hot yoga class than you would during a regular yoga class. The heat causes your body to increase its heart rate and burn more calories.

You may also increase muscle tone if you push yourself hard enough. This is great because it helps improve your posture, making you look thinner by slouching less.

As an added benefit, hot yoga can improve mental and physical health. You’ll feel more at ease after each class by focusing on the here and now rather than dwelling on the past or the future.

If You Are Looking To Burn A Lot Of Calories, Hot Yoga Can Be An Option

Hot yoga is an option if you want to lose a lot of weight. It is well-known that the hotter your body temperature gets, the more energy you will use. This can help you get rid of fat and lose weight.

If you are trying to lose weight and/or improve your general health, it’s vital to ensure that this class is part of your routine.

Hot yoga classes have been studied before by researchers who found that participants burned an average of 500 calories per session (that’s about 1 pound). This is far greater than what other types of exercise can do for you if done at moderate intensity levels—like walking or jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes at three mph would only burn around 350 calories (about 0.5 pounds).

Hot yoga burns so many more calories because it increases heart rate and blood flow throughout our bodies as we move through poses while constantly being exposed to warm temperatures during our workout session.

Tips To Maximize Calorie Burning During A Hot Yoga Class

a man in black shirt doing yoga
Tips To Maximize Calorie Burning During A Hot Yoga Class
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes. Loose-fitting clothing allows you to move around more freely, so it’s easier to flow through the poses.
  • Bring a towel or two. When you sweat during hot yoga, your body loses vital nutrients and moisture, so you must keep your skin hydrated by patting it down with a towel after class.
  • Bring a bottle of water to class and keep it there—you’ll be shocked at how much longer your workout will feel if there isn’t any water available.
  • Plan with some pre-yoga stretching exercises; this will allow for greater flexibility and less soreness after class! You’ll also want to ensure that your muscles have been sufficiently warmed up before going into hot yoga—no skipping on stretching before heading over there.

Who Should (And Shouldn’t) Try Hot Yoga?

If you’re new to hot yoga, know it can be an intense experience. If you’re trying hot yoga for the first time, consider taking a few classes with an instructor who will help guide you through the poses and breathing.

If this is not possible, find another beginner class where the instructor will take the time to explain things like inversions (being upside down) and arm balances so that everyone feels safe.

In general, anyone with any type of heart trouble should consult their doctor before attempting any activity that strains their heart.

Before beginning any fitness program, even as gentle as hot yoga, people with diabetes or high blood pressure should consult their doctors.

Always with your doctor before beginning any physical activity, such as joining a class; while hot yoga can be beneficial during pregnancy (with precautions), it’s best to discuss your specific situation with an expert who knows your medical history well enough to advise correctly on this matter.

What Can You Expect From A Hot Yoga Session?

a person cutting paper with calories written on it
What Can You Expect From A Hot Yoga Session

What to expect in a hot yoga class includes the following:

  • Expect to be sweating more than you do at any other workout. It’s not unusual for someone new to hot yoga to be dripping sweat after just a few minutes on the mat.
  • If you’re feeling nervous about this, try practicing with some friends and then go solo when you’re ready! Most studios offer “level 1” classes to help acclimate newcomers without taxing the body or mind. If you’re a newbie or an elderly person who the heat could put off, you can also ask your instructor for any advice (many do).
  • For example, some people recommend bringing a towel or two so that you can lay them over your mat during poses like downward dog or child’s pose—this helps keep the moisture off of it so that it doesn’t get as slippery underneath your bare feet/hands/etc., which makes certain poses more difficult than they need to be.


Hot yoga is an excellent way to burn calories and improve your health. Hot yoga is worth considering if you’re looking for a challenging workout to help you shed pounds.

In a hot yoga class, how many calories are you burning? The solution might surprise you. A recent study found that participants burned an average of 477 calories in a 90-minute session. That’s equivalent to running a 5K at a moderate pace!

So, hot yoga is worth checking out if you want to up your calorie-burning game. Stay hydrated and listen to your body – it’s easy to overdo it in the heat!

Looking for more ways to get fit? Check out our other blog posts on exercise and fitness. And be sure to follow us on social media for updates on our latest articles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe for everyone to take hot yoga classes, or are certain health conditions that should be avoided?

Generally speaking, hot yoga is safe for most people. However, certain health conditions may be exacerbated by the heat, so it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen.

What factors affect the number of calories burned in a hot yoga class?

A few factors can affect the number of calories burned in a hot yoga class, including your weight, how much effort you put into the class, and how long the class is.

Does the intensity level of the class make a difference in how many calories are burned?

Yes, the intensity level of the class can make a difference in how many calories are burned. A more intense class will burn more calories than a less intense one.

What should I expect during my first hot yoga class?

The room is usually heated to around 95 degrees in a hot yoga class. Be prepared to perspire since this may take some getting used to. A towel and drink bottle are also wise to bring.