A Guide to Fun and Educational Yoga Books for Kids

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: February 22, 2023
  • Time to read: 6 min.

Yoga is a form of exercise that originated in ancient India. It helps people feel calm and relaxed, both physically and mentally. It is an excellent way for kids to stay healthy and happy. With yoga, children can learn how to breathe properly, be more flexible, and have better posture. This article will guide kids through the basics of yoga, making it easy and fun to learn.

What types of yoga books are available for kids?

For younger children, yoga poses can be made into games and activities that are fun and engaging. This can help keep them interested in practicing yoga and make it an enjoyable experience.  Thus there are books with numerous game features, pictorial representation and easy to read . 

It’s important to make sure that kids are practising yoga using the right resources i.e books that will  provide guidance and support. This will help to ensure their safety and enable them to get the most out of their yoga practice.

There are various books centered on yoga for kids one can purchase on online stores such as Amazon and of course offline outlets. Its paramount to get the best books that is educational and fun to practise.

How to identify age-appropriate yoga books 

Yoga is a form of exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, including kids. In fact, practicing yoga at a young age can have many benefits for children’s physical and mental well-being. However, the specific yoga poses and practices that are appropriate for kids will depend on their age, physical ability, and any health conditions they may have.

Overall, yoga can be a great way for kids of all ages to stay active and healthy, and to develop important physical and mental skills. 

A Guide to Fun and Educational Yoga Books for Kids

What are some tips for using yoga books effectively for kids?

Before starting yoga, it’s important to have the right gear. Kids should wear comfortable clothing that allows them to move freely. A yoga mat is also recommended for comfort and safety.

Basically you should find out what works for your kids, their individual active timing and stress limits this way it will help  yoga training.

These are some basic practices found in books one should master to aid effective training.

1.  breathing techniques 

One of the most important parts of yoga is breathing. Kids should learn how to breathe deeply and slowly, using their diaphragm (the muscle between the chest and the belly). To practice breathing, kids can sit comfortably on the mat, close their eyes, and place one hand on their belly and the other on their chest. They should breathe in deeply through their nose, feeling their belly rise, and breathe out slowly through their mouth.

2. Mastering easy yoga poses for kids 

  • The tree pose: This pose helps improve balance and coordination. Kids should stand with their feet hip-width apart and place one foot on the inside of their opposite leg, just above the knee. 
  • The downward-facing dog pose: This pose is great for stretching the legs and back. Kids should stand on their hands and knees, with their hands shoulder-width apart and their knees hip-width apart. They should then lift their hips up towards the ceiling, straightening their arms and legs, and forming an inverted V shape.
  • The cobra pose: This pose strengthens the back and improves posture. Kids should start lying face down on their mat, with their hands under their shoulders and their elbows close to their sides. They should then push up with their hands, lifting their chest and head off the mat, and hold the pose for a few breaths.
  • The child’s pose: This pose is a great way to relax and stretch the back. Kids should start on their hands and knees, with their hands shoulder-width apart and their knees hip-width apart. They should then sit back on their heels, reach their arms forward, and rest their forehead on the mat.
  • The warrior pose: This pose strengthens the legs and improves balance. Kids should stand with their feet hip-width apart and step one foot forward, bending the knee to a 90-degree angle. They should then raise their arms above their head and hold the pose for a few breaths.

Benefits of introducing kids to yoga

Yoga is an excellent form of exercise for kids, providing numerous physical and mental benefits. Here are just a few of the many benefits that kids can experience through practicing yoga:

1. Reducing stress and anxiety: 

Yoga helps kids relax and calm their minds, which can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This can help kids develop healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with life’s challenges.

2.  Encourages physical activity and mindfulness:

Yoga poses help to strengthen the muscles, especially in the arms, legs, and core. This can help improve posture and overall physical fitness.

3. Enhances creativity and imagination:

By focusing on their breathing and movements, kids can develop their focus and concentration skills. This can help them in school and in other areas of their lives.

4. Boost self confidence and esteem:

Yoga can help kids feel good about themselves and improve their confidence levels. It also helps to promote body positivity and a healthy body image.

5. Improves flexibility and balance:

Yoga helps kids improve their flexibility and balance by stretching and strengthening their muscles. This can also help to prevent injury, making it a great way for kids to stay active and healthy 

Incorporating yoga into a child’s daily routine can help to provide them with many physical and mental benefits, helping to set them up for a happy and healthy life.

Factors to consider when choosing yoga books for kids 

There are a few things to keep in mind when you are trying to decide on a yoga book for kids. Some of the factors to consider include:

1. Comprehensive guide books that explain postures and breathing techniques

You should go for books that is centered on educating kids on postures and breathing techniques.

2. Books that encourage fun and creative play with yoga

Some authors go all out in engaging kids in a fun way that keeps them glued to yoga practices even without their knowledge.

3. Books that focus on mindful relaxation techniques 

The essence of yoga is to build the mind and help in relaxation. Therefore going for books with review on these techniques will do.

4. Ideal self-r books that builds confidence 

 yoga, I’m sure you want your kids to master the art of self confidence and character. These are incorporated  yoga books.

Review of 5 kid-friendly yoga books for easy and fun learning 

To make yoga fun for kids, try incorporating fun themes, games, music and most importantly, books. Let’s look at five of our favourite kids yoga  for easy and fun learning which many people love.

Feel free to click on the blue icon (book title) to visit the online stores and get a copy for your child. 

1. The ABC’s of Yoga for Kids by Teresa Anne Power 

There are lots of reviews for this book and there is a good reason why. A lot of people have agreed that it is beautiful and teaches multiple yoga poses for each letter of the alphabet and even a poem for each pose that describes the body position and movement. There are a lot of colourful illustrations in it and no doubt kids will have so much fun with it. 

2. Yoga Pretzels by Tara Guber and Leah Kalish

For this book, people buy and use it in classrooms for kids and parents also have done the same. The book has been wonderful and it gives specifics on how to do each move which makes it easier to do a yoga routine for the kids after they have learned the moves. Not to also mention that it makes yoga and deep breathing more fun.

3. Yoga for Children by Lisa Flynn

With amazing cards like Time to Breathe, Strike a Pose, and Rest & Relax, this book makes yoga for kids a lot more interesting for them. With the easy to remember card notes, they would hardly forget that it’s time to do their stretches. 

4. Yoga Kids by Mary Humphreys 

For this book, the photos of children in poses are very engaging even for toddlers. It is highly recommended for kids who enjoy visual learning as it has loads of interesting things to keep the little one hooked for long. 

5. Little Yoga: A Toddler’s First Book of Yoga by Reb Whitford and Martina Selway

For  kids books, you can find loads of practice tips, photos and information that are helpful. Not to mention that the explanation of poses   is super helpful.


Yoga is a great way for kids to stay healthy and happy. By learning the basics of yoga, kids can improve their flexibility, balance, and overall well-being. With fun themes, games, and music, kids can make yoga fun and enjoyable. As children get older, they can progress to more challenging poses and practices, building on the foundation they have established.

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