A Guide to Finding the Perfect Yoga Mat for Carpet Floors

  • By: Mugen Seki
  • Date: February 22, 2023
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Carpet Floors are no good for yoga practices as they can be too stiff and sometimes sliddy; and yoga needs you to have a firm grip on the floor while maintaining your position for a couple of minutes depending on the pose. Thus, a yoga mat is necessary on your carpet.

In this guide we will look into how you can choose the perfect mat for carpet floors to aid yoga practices.

Why use yoga mats on carpets? 

It is very imperative to use yoga mats on carpet floors when engaging in the practice. The reasons for using a yoga mat on a carpet floor is briefly outlined below:

1. To avoid sliding and injury

Moving through the various yoga poses directly on carpet floors can cause friction burns, scratches and irritated skin. You’re more likely to slide unnecessarily while in practice. 

2. For effectiveness 

Once balance is attained, which can mostly happen on a mat, your yoga activities become enjoyable and the purpose achieved.

Yoga builds stamina, mental health and physical balance, your effectiveness should be prioritised and Yoga Mats helps achieve this. 

3. To increase firmness

The essence of yoga mats is to build resistance against slidiness and slipperiness of carpets. It gives you a firm grip on the ground and causes you to maintain balance.

4. Comfort and confidence

Carpet surfaces are a bit uneven, so the likelihood to experience discomfort when a bump or uneven spot presses into your body is high. Carpets aren’t the most hygienic to practice on either and a musty or grimy carpet can affect the quality of the air you are breathing as well as dampen your mood. 

5. Carpeted floors pose unique challenges 

If you attend gym classes where yoga mats are used for practice, it would be difficult practising at home without mats and thus, you would be faced with new challenges.

6. Lots of resistance on carpeted floors 

Practising yoga poses on a carpet is very difficult and the lack of support under your feet and hands can be frustrating and possibly lead to lots of injury. Also, practising repeatedly in the same spot can prematurely wear out your carpet. 

All You Need to Know About Getting a Yoga Mat for Hardwood Floors 

Benefits of investing in a quality Yoga Mat for carpet floors 

Having known the benefits of using a yoga Mat on carpet floors, investing in a quality mat will maximise the essence of using a mat in the first place. For dynamic movements, a quality yoga mat will help reduce the risk of knee injuries and sprain. To get the most out of your home gym, it’s paramount you invest in quality mats since carpeted floors are soft and lack stability.

How to choose the best yoga mat for carpet floors 

Here’s a guide on how to choose the best yoga mat for carpet floors.

1.  Choose a yoga mat designed for use on carpet

There are specific yoga mats for carpeted floors one can use for practice. These mats has the appropriate dimensions, thickness and properties unique to carpet floors.

2. Consider the thickness of the Mat For Comfort And Stability

It has been established that carpeted mats shouldn’t be too thin to avoid flopping up rather than being in a place. Balance and stability is required for home practices.

3. Select a mat with a non-slip surface

There are variety of mats in the marketplace and online stores with unique properties. If your home is designed with carpet floors, endure you go for mats with a non-slip top.

4. Consider best fit materials for your activities 

Depending on the yoga activity and level you’ve attained, there are materials best for the different levels of attainment. Although basic levels do not require much.

5. Ensure the size of the mat is suitable for your needs 

This is another bullet to prioritize. Ask your gym practitioner to educate you on the different levels and size of mats needed.

6. Consider the weight of the yoga mat for easy portability

If you normally move from your home to a gym center and back, suitable mat with liftable weight will ease stress.

7.  Look for mats with extra cushioning or that offer extra padding

Mats with extra pads will help keep you a little bit above the floor this way, there would be reduced damwges on your floor and your joints will be secured.

8. Ensure that the yoga mat is easy to clean and store

For people like me who do not glory in hard work, wink, mats with surfaces that aids cleaning is best. You don’t want to spend the whole day brushing a tough surface. Here the choice of color comes to play.

Qualities of a good yoga mat for carpeted floors 

You can use a yoga mat on carpet floors and several of the common carpet issues will be remedied by using a yoga mat.

They can also create additional problems for instance, using the wrong type of yoga mat can make these problems worse. When you’re in the market for a yoga mat for your at-home gyming, you’ll want one with these qualities.

  1. Firm Material: A good yoga mat should be firm so as to keep you in place for the period of use. Carpet Floors lacks this ability and so a quality mat with firmness would do you good.
  2. Great Traction: Yoga mats can move and slide on carpets, so going for mats that have some grip or texture on the surface as well as the bottom is better. This will help keep them from sliding around on the floor, especially if you practice at a faster paced. 
  3. Appropriate Thickness: A thinner mat on carpet allows you to stay more connected to the floor, and minimize stability. Using extra pad can help prevent joint pressure during yoga. A thin mat is likely to bunch up during your practice. A 6mm thickness is great for carpet floors.
  4. Good Sturdy Material: Yoga mats can bunch up during practice on the carpet, therefore, flimsy PVC yoga mats may create a lot of frustration and difficulty. going with a dense and stiffer material such as  rubber is the inn thing. 


You can do yoga on carpet, with a few caveats, there are softer carpets with smooth surfaces. Yoga is often practiced with a yoga mat on an even, sturdy, hardwood floor or carpeted floor. This is an ideal surface for staying grounded, having a firm grip and balanced while holding different yoga poses. For some, practicing yoga on the carpet is more convenient but many yoga instructors warn against it. 


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